Wednesday 9 January 2008

Life Map 1

As an introduction to bookmaking you are creating a Life Map in the (originally Chinese) style of an accordion book. The idea behind a Life Map is create a chronological chart of your life using both abstract and concrete images to represent a significant event for each year.

In class we have talked about the different ways that you can illustrate your memories using a variety of techniques (painting, illustration, photo, words, abstract impressions, as well as using cut-paper techniques, stamping, collage, stitching etc.) Based on that discussion you have been asked to do the following:

In Your Development Sketchbook
1. List the years of your life
2. Write a memory/significant event for each year
3. Beside your memory/event sketch an idea of how it can be represented.

Once you have sketched your ideas you should begin to transfer them into the pages of your book using a variety of techniques to really make your Life Map personal and special to you.