Sunday 18 November 2007

Fingerprints 3

This week the students were able to trace their fingerprints on large A3 or A2 sized paper and have started working independently on their paintings.

Nearly all of you were able to use the projector to trace an enlarged version of your fingerprint. Your assignment now is to choose how to represent your fingerprint using colour. You are supposed to decide which pairs of complementary colours to use (Red & Green, Yellow & Violet OR Blue & Orange + the tints and shades of those two colours). Remember to be imaginative with your colours

Grade 6 Studio Work
1. Complete tracing of print.
2. Using Acrylics to paint your fingerprint using complementary colours.
3. Don't forget to use tints and shades.

While waiting for the projector
1. Complete Subway Car contour drawing in Development Sketchbook.
2. Complete a Short-Brush Stroke painting in Dev. Sketchbk.